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Cosmetic Surgery - Weird and Wonderful Procedures  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cosmetic Surgery. It appears to be a worrying trend in the cosmetic surgery industry for some to want to erase the things that show their very origins and ethnicity. There is something most of us would change about our appearance if we were given the chance; it appears to be an inherently human trait.Cosmetic Surgery.

Cosmetic Surgery.The latest trend has seen Latino women opting for surgery to smooth out some of the curves they are famous for. Take one of Hollywood's most beautiful Latino stars: Jennifer Lopez, her curves have given her the fame she enjoys today. It may seem shocking that anyone would want to remove such curves but for some a smoother appearance on their stomach and thighs is much sought after.Cosmetic Surgery - Weird and Wonderful Procedures.Cosmetic Surgery.

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Tips When Choosing a Country For Cosmetic Surgery  

Cosmetic surgery operations abroad are becoming more and more common as people try to save money on the cosmetic surgery procedures they'd been planning before the credit crunch took hold.plastic surgery.

plastic surgery.For countries in the EU there are of course regulations which dictate the level of health and safety requirements and the standard of care that should be given to patients. But this does not mean that the surgeon is required to be a member of any governing body to ensure they carry out cosmetic surgery to the highest standard. This also does not mean that you will receive the standard of aftercare you would expect when using an accredited surgeon/hospital in the UK.Tips When Choosing a Country For Cosmetic Surgery.plastic surgery.

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Important Cosmetic Surgery Regulatory Bodies  

Cosmetic Surgery.What can possibly drive somebody to spend a fortune on plastic surgery over the course of a decade or two and end up looking so horrifyingly awful for it?Cosmetic Surgery.

Cosmetic Surgery.This is undoubtedly a point in case for wealthy American socialite, Jocelyn Wildenstein. She has reportedly spent the staggering sum of £2,000,000 over the years in a bid to improve her looks, which has only resulted in ridicule and her being dubbed 'The Bride of Wildenstein' or 'The Catwoman' by the press and the public at large. It even went so far as to see a British tabloid award her with the dubious title of 'World's Scariest Celebrity' in 2004. Cosmetic Surgery.

Cosmetic Surgery. But though we may actually poke fun at the foibles and eccentricities of those with more money than sense and evidently no access to a working mirror, there may well be a deep psychological problem festering away beneath all that hideously twisted flesh. Important Cosmetic Surgery Regulatory Bodies.

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The Key To A Successful For Plastic surgery  

Monday, November 3, 2008

Plastic surgery.Many Asian-Americans have wide nose tips with wide, flared nostrils. The typical request is for a smaller, more defined tip and more proportional nostrils. This can be achieved through plastic surgery. If more than simple reshaping is required, implants can be use to get the desired definition. These implants can be either synthetic or from the patient's own cartilage. Cartilage can come from the septum(the blade between the nostrils), the ears, the skull, ribs, or hips.Plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery.The key to a successful Asian-American rhinoplasty is to keep the nose balanced with the rest of the face. The nose job should not make the tip too small or the bridge height too high for the rest of the face. Along these same lines, it is imperative that patients and plastic surgeons not try to create an Asian nose into a Caucasian nose or any other non-Asian type nose. The ethnicity should be preserved to make the rhinoplasty as appealing and natural looking as possible.Plastic surgery.

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Plastic Surgery For Women  

plastic surgery.Asian-americans patients represent a growing percentage of the American plastic surgery business. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that the number of Asian-Americans undergoing cosmetic surgery grew to 767,806 in 2007, representing 7 percent of all patients, up from 6 percent in 2006. One of the most commonly requested procedures among this population segment is rhinoplasty or nose surgery. Asian noses tend to have several general features. These include a wide bridge and a flat nasal tip curve. The current Asian rhinoplasty trends involve the changing and reshaping of these characteristic features.plastic surgery.

plastic surgery.Many of those Asian-Americans looking for a nose job are specifically seeking a higher nasal bridge. This is accomplished by inserting a piece silicone above the natural bridge to create a nose bridge that projects farther from the face. Some patients complain that this technique leaves much to be desired, as the result can be a very obviously surgically altered nose. Sometimes the sharp edges of the implant are even visible under the nose skin. plastic surgery.

plastic surgery.In some cases, silicone implants have even been known to turn the nose tissue an unsightly reddish hue. More recently, plastic surgeons have begun using cartilage grafts to build up the nasal bridge during Asian rhinoplasty. The cartilage is from the patient's own body and helps create a more natural look. A synthetic material called Gore-Tex is also becoming more popular because it does not show through like the silicone does.plastic surgery.

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Plastic Surgery Uk Intoduction  

Plastic Surgery .There is nothing that a person gets more concerned with than their personal appearance. Women tend to be concerned with how much weight they gain, the structure of their face, and the shape of their torso. Mean tend to worry about their sexual anatomy, wrinkles, and whether they are losing their hair.Plastic Surgery .

Plastic Surgery .Now, people can have changed whatever they would like, thanks to the advanced medical technology involved with plastic surgery. People in the earlier history would indeed have welcomed the advent of plastic surgery, because they had many appearance problems that could have been easily rectified.Plastic Surgery .

Plastic Surgery .For example, diseases like smallpox left deep scars in their face - scars that the aristocratic people (both males and females) actually filled in with beeswax and then put heavy makeup over. Plus, for both men and women who were losing their hair, wigs that caused dry scalps were implemented.Plastic Surgery .

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