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The Key To A Successful For Plastic surgery  

Monday, November 3, 2008

Plastic surgery.Many Asian-Americans have wide nose tips with wide, flared nostrils. The typical request is for a smaller, more defined tip and more proportional nostrils. This can be achieved through plastic surgery. If more than simple reshaping is required, implants can be use to get the desired definition. These implants can be either synthetic or from the patient's own cartilage. Cartilage can come from the septum(the blade between the nostrils), the ears, the skull, ribs, or hips.Plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery.The key to a successful Asian-American rhinoplasty is to keep the nose balanced with the rest of the face. The nose job should not make the tip too small or the bridge height too high for the rest of the face. Along these same lines, it is imperative that patients and plastic surgeons not try to create an Asian nose into a Caucasian nose or any other non-Asian type nose. The ethnicity should be preserved to make the rhinoplasty as appealing and natural looking as possible.Plastic surgery.

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